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Spell Crafting With Playing Cards Page 3

  9 of Clubs

  Use this card when you need progress. It helps end writer's block or anything blocks that are stopping you from being creative.

  An End to Writer’s Block

  Keep the 9 of Clubs at your work area for whenever you experience writer’s block. To use it, hold the card in your power hand and say to it, “Power up and power out, Chase the block straight on out.” Sit up straight and place the card, face down, on top of your head. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. When you are finished, set the card down and get back to work. I find that this spell not only helps me focus and clear the block, it also gives me a quick boost of energy.

  8 of Clubs

  This card brings payments for your creative works.

  Get Paid for Your Work

  It absolutely sucks when you write and write and write, or do any other creative work, and you never seem to make any money off of it. Try this spell to get the ball rolling.

  Place the 8 of Clubs, face up, on the floor and put your right foot over it. Say, “Eight by eight, Knock ‘em straight. Pockets green, The money stream. Bring it on, Full sum, Money come.” Lift up your foot and put the card in your wallet, purse, or checkbook.

  7 of Clubs

  Use this card to help yourself finish what you have started.

  Get Shit Done

  An unfinished painting, an unfinished story, and a half started video edit. All these things and more can be helped along by casting this spell.

  Set the 7 of Clubs, face up, on a flat surface in front of you. With the pointer finger of your left hand, touch the top left corner and say, “Not to be left undone.” Touch the top right corner and say, “To be done the right way.” Touch the bottom right corner and say, “Finished right and true.” Touch the bottom left corner and say, “No project started left behind.” Put the card in your right pocket or in your right shoe and get to work. When you are done with your work, you are done with the card, and it can be thrown away or used again for the same spell.

  6 of Clubs

  Brings social improvement. Use this card to gain important friendships and connections.

  To Attract Facebook Friends

  Pull up your Facebook page on the computer, tablet, or smartphone screen. Hold the 6 of Clubs with your right hand to the screen so that it is facing the screen. Say, “Friends to like, To accept an invite. Friends to come rushing, Good people friending. The time is now begun, Join in the fun.” Set the card aside. You should see a boost of activity in the coming week. You can use this card again each time your Facebook account needs a boost in activity.

  5 of Clubs

  This card smoothes over disagreements among friends and colleagues. It helps them appreciate each other more for their accomplishments.

  To End Disagreements Among Friends

  In every situation, there is always more than one way to see the situation, more than one way to react, and more than one way to feel. This spell recognizes the many points in every relationship, and it serves to bind them all together into the shape of a star (pentagram) and bring peace to the situation.

  Set the 5 of clubs, face up, on a table. You will be drawing a five-pointed star on the card using a permanent marker. You can use the color blue, if you have it, or the multipurpose color black. For each line of the star you draw, you will say one part of the following charm: “5 points, 5 ways, 5 brings together, 5 binding, 5 in equal standing.” After you have finished the charm, place the card in a safe place so that peace can reign amongst you and your friends again.

  4 of Clubs

  Brings help from unexpected sources.

  Helping Hand Spell

  To attract help with a project or an idea, cast this basic spell.

  Hold the 4 of Clubs in front of you and say to it, “I seek and you seek, Help with my project this week. I need and you need, Take the lead and I’ll lead.” Set the card, face out, in an East-facing window.

  3 of Clubs

  This cards helps you get over a rough spot or a set back. It puts you back on track, working towards your goals.

  Spell Jar to Drive Obstacles Out of Your Home

  I have long held a fascination with spell bottles. When I was 13 years old, my mother and I moved into an old farmhouse built in the late 1800s. Up in the attic, tucked by the chimney, we found an old, glass pill bottle filled with dried beans and herbs. It was a Pennsylvania German spell bottle. Ever since then I have taken to creating my own spell bottles using glass baby food jars and jelly jars.

  Take a jelly jar and put the 3 of Clubs into it. Fill the rest of the jar with dried alfalfa. You can get this from a health food store, but it is cheaper if you buy it at a pet store. Close the jar and hide it in your home, such as in your bedroom closet or in your office desk. This will work to drive out the obstacles you are facing and it will keep them away.

  2 of Clubs

  Use this card when you are uncertain as to what you should pursue. It helps you see potentials and it helps you choose the path that is right for you.

  Destiny Dream Pillow

  To make a destiny dream pillow, you will need two pieces of either dark blue or white felt, size 3 x 4-inches. Place the two pieces of felt together. With white or dark blue embroidery thread, whip stitch around three sides. Slide the 2 of Clubs into the pouch. Add one or any combination of these dried herbs and spices: rosemary, basil, mint, sage, orange peel, allspice, and / or caraway seeds. Whipstitch the dream pillow closed. Place this inside your pillowcase. When you sleep, it will bring you dreams about your destiny.


  Meaning of the Spade

  Spades have come to be associated with loss and misfortune in recent years. In spell craft, however, spades can be used to eliminate misfortune and to turn things around. The ruling planet for spades is Mars, and that means you are going to fight your way out of whatever unfortunate event that befalls you.

  Ace of Spades

  This card represents a lawsuit against you. It is used to win against false claims placed against you.

  To Help Prove Your Innocence

  Place the Ace of Spades on a table before you. Take a thick black marker and draw a big X over the face of the card. Say, “[Name of the person or company that is suing you], your accusations are false.” Take a pair of scissors and cut the card along the X mark so that the card is in four pieces. Say, “Your lies are your undoing.” Take the card pieces outside and burn them in a fire pit or in a safe place. As they burn, say, “I am free of your deception.” After the card has burned out, and there is no chance of anything nearby catching on fire, leave the area and go about your business.

  King of Spades

  This is the lawyer card. Use this card when you need to find the right lawyer or when you are seeking help in defending yourself against false accusations.

  Sensing the Right Lawyer for Your Case

  While searching through the phone book or while searching online for a lawyer, hold the King of Spades in your receptive hand (this is usually the hand that you do not write with). As you look through each lawyer, pay attention to your gut. When you see a name that tugs at your gut, that is the lawyer you should contact.

  Queen of Spades

  The card of truth. Use this card when you want the truth to be known or remain hidden.

  Shred a Lie

  Hold the Queen of Spades in front of you and say, “This is the lie you told. This is your lie as it comes to pieces.” Cut the card into pieces or put it in a paper shredder. Throw it away in the trash.

  Jack of Spades

  This card puts a stop to gossip.

  Freezer Gossip

  Hold the Jack of Spades in your power hand and say, “I put an end to the slander and lies spoken against me. I freeze the words on their tongues and set myself free.” Put the card in a small freezer bag. Add water and put it in the freezer.

  10 of Spades

  Use this card to overcome legal problems and to find loopholes within the law.
r />   To Remove Legal Obstacles

  Take the 10 of Spades and a lighter outdoors and to a place where it is safe to burn. Hold the card above the lighter and say, “I burn my way through all legal obstacles and I fight for what is right and true.” Light the lighter and burn a hole through the center of the card. Set the card down and let it burn out. Say, “I bury what remains.” Bury the remains of the card safely in the ground. Walk away and go about your business.

  9 of Spades

  This card represents illness. Use it to overcome health issues.

  Burn Away Fever

  Use this spell in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.

  When a fever is burning, place the 9 of Spades over a fevered brow for a moment, visualizing it absorbing the heat. Take the card outdoors and burn it safely while saying, “Fever be gone,” nine times.

  8 of Spades

  The great motivator. Use this card to boost your motivation and willpower.

  Add Some Pep to Your Step

  When you need a boost of energy to get things done, set the 8 of Spades on a plate. Sprinkle ground pepper over the card and say, “Add pepper to my steppers, Boost the charge and recharge. It’s a get it done day, and I’m getting it done today.” Keep the pepper plate in a safe place for the rest of the day. When finished, lift the card up from the plate, shake the pepper from it, and put the card away until the next time you need a boost.

  7 of Spades

  This card represents sound advice. Use it to find an advisor or when you need advice for your situation.

  To Attract Good Advice.

  Place the 7 of Spades on the ground, face up. Wave an oak leaf over the top of the card while chanting, "Seek a you. Tell it true," 12 times. When you are finished, set the card, facing out, in a window that faces East. Put the card away when you have received the advice you need. The card can be used again for the same spell.

  6 of Spades

  Patience. Use this card to help you refocus and reaffirm your goals.

  Focus Spell

  To help yourself focus on a task or project, take out the 6 of Spades and set it on a table. Cut out a 1-inch circle from blue paper. If you don’t have blue paper, you can cut the circle out of white paper and color it blue with marker or crayon. In black marker, write FOCUS on the circle. Glue or tape the blue focus circle onto the center of the card. Place the card, facing in, in a window that faces North. You should now begin to feel more focused on what you need to do.

  5 of Spades

  Use this card to overcome a tragedy or loss.

  To Let Go Visualization

  Hold the 5 of Spades in your power hand and, while sitting or lying down, hold the card to your heart. Close your eyes and let your emotions soar up and out into the card. Visualize your sadness and unhappiness entering the card. When you are finished, take the card outside and bury it. You are burying your sorrows. Walk away and do not return to that spot.

  4 of Spades

  Energy. This card gives energy where it is needed.

  Mental Energy and Clarity

  There are times when you feel that your brain is working at a sluggish pace. I experienced this while in college and I still occasionally get slow brain syndrome when I am working on a large project. Here is what I do to clear the sluggishness and get reenergized.

  Put a dab of orange essential oil on each corner of the 4 of Spades. Put a dab of the essential oil in the center of the card and hold your finger there for a moment, close your eyes, and feel your brain reawakening and breaking free of the rut. Lift the card to your nose and inhale the orange scent, feeling even more of the energy entering your mind. Set the card in a prominent place in your work area and begin your work. Touch and inhale the card whenever you need a quick boost. This card can be used over and over again for this purpose.

  3 of Spades

  Speed things up with this card. When something is taking too long, this card will shorten the waiting time.

  Cut the Time in Half

  For this quick spell, you will need a pair of scissors, a pair of shoes, and the 3 of Spades. Hold the card in front of you and say to it, “No way around. The time is now.” Take the scissors and cut the card in half. Say, “Half the time. Cut to rhyme.” Put each half in a pair of shoes. This will speed up time and your waiting period. To put an end to the spell, remove the card halves from the shoes and throw the halves into the trash. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over them and it is done.

  2 of Spades

  Reputation. This card brings your accomplishments to light and helps to bring about the recognition you deserve.

  To Get Your Book or Blog Noticed

  With a black pen or marker, write the title of your book, article, blog, or website in the center face of the 2 of Spades card. Tuck or tape this card to a mirror so that it is facing the mirror. Say, “See me, See me now. See my words. See my works. See what I have created.” Keep the card in place until full recognition of your work has come to you. When you are ready, take the card down and place it in a book for safe keeping.


  Chatto, W. A., & Levis, H. C. (1848). Facts and speculations on the origin and history of playing cards. London: John Russell Smith.

  Chevalier, J., & Gheerbrant, A. (1996). A dictionary of symbols. London, England: Penguin Books.

  Complete book of fortune-telling. (1998). New York: Gramercy Books.

  Culin, S. (1895). Korean games with notes on the corresponding games of China and Japan,. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

  Taylor, E. S. (1865). The history of playing cards, with anecdotes of their use in conjuring, fortune-telling, and card-sharping.. London: John Camden Hotten.vb

  Wagner, L. (1968). Manners, customs, and observances; their origin and signification. Detroit: Gale Research Co..

  Webster, R. (2002). Playing card divination for beginners: fortune telling with ordinary cards. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn.